Episode 5

Published on:

6th Jun 2024

"Loving (What I Got)"

On Episode 5 of Kingston to Cali, "Loving (What I got)" We explore why Sublime stood out from the other ska/punk bands of the era, and how an aspiring reggae singer from ghettos of Kingston helped them achieve their first #1 Hit Record. Tune in next week for the Series Finally of Kingston to Cali.

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Osiris Media The Leading Storyteller in Music

Special thanks to Rogers Steffens, Lance Linare, Jenje Dennis, Jesse Jarnow and Rich Mahan, Dan Sheehan, Dave Shiffman , James Searl

Intro by Kim Yamaguchi Roootsland Intro: "Mixed Up Moods" Jacob Miller feat Michael Rose

featured music. "Greetings" Halfpint "Loving" Halfpint "What I Got" Sublime "Caress Mi Down" Clement Irie "Caress me Down" Sublime "54-46" Instrumental "Cherry O Baby" Instrumental "Loving" Halfpint

Show artwork for Kingston to Cali  "Reggae's Journey West"

About the Podcast

Kingston to Cali "Reggae's Journey West"
Trenchtown Rock to CaliRoots
This 6 episode podcast series Presented by Henry K and Rootsland delves into the rich history and evolution of reggae, tracing the path from it’s roots in Kingston, Jamaica to the current thriving “CaliRoots” scene in California. Each episode will focus on a different decade, starting with the 70’s and how a hippy movement disgruntled about the way rock and roll sold out, embraced this refreshing and authentic Island sound. The series will break down the key artists, events, and cultural influences that shaped reggae’s progression over time and why California became such fertile ground for the Island sound

About your host

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henry karyo